NYC Employee Assistance Program

Year 2020-2021

Title NYC Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Jingle

Project type Organizational project

Organization NYC Employee Assistance Program, NYC Office of Labor Relations

Role Project Lead

Skills used Project Management, Bass guitar, Audacity, JamKazam, Zoom

Stage Abandoned

URL n/a


After a colleague found and shared a song that a former USPS EAP employee created, I suggested creating a

jingle for our program. During this time we were working fully remotely. I coordinated with colleagues who play

music or sing, to organize several meetings and subsequent virtual jam sessions during our lunch breaks to

attempt to create a song. I wrote and played the bass line for the song.

We encountered ongoing technical issues with latency, but recorded a rough cut, which we collaboratively 

authored. The project was later abandoned due to lack of ongoing time availability from core members and 

increase in our regular client workload.

However I later sampled some of the bass line in an unrelated audio project of creating ambient background 


Recording of a practice session (on Zoom), of a very early version of the Jingle, in September 2020. We shared it with several managers from the EAP.

"Jamming on a Jingle". 2020.

A song I recorded that built from the bass line and melody of the EAP Jingle.