Wellness Committee

Year 2020-2021

Title Virtual Social Gatherings

Organization NYC Office of Labor Relations

Role Committee Member, Co-Facilitator

Skills used Zoom, WebEx, Audacity, Canva

Stage Completed

URL n/a


I was a core member of the Wellness Committee at the NYC Office of Labor Relations in 2020-2021. I helped plan and execute our transition from in-person to virtual group activities (using Zoom and WebEx), including co-facilitating several working groups, such as Cycling Enthusiasts and Open Mic (where employees, including myself, performed and shared recordings of music). I also helped plan and co-facilitate a virtual edition of our agency’s annual holiday party, where I hosted a virtual version of Scattergories.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic my department did not historically participate in Wellness Committee activities due to its location at a different office. I helped to strengthen relationships between our department and the organization at large through my initiatives, encouragement of peers’ participation, and willingness to use digital technologies to create community.